
Showing posts from November, 2020

A Pro-Evidence View on the 2020 Presidential Elections

  There are moments when I question a rumor, question my own assumptions, question aspects of how I see myself, or address something I’m anxious about.  In those moments I often ask myself this question:  “Are my beliefs informed primarily by empirical evidence or are they informed primarily by my imagination?”  My conviction for the importance of relying on empirical evidence, rather than on preconceived ideas, rumors, or hallucinations runs deeper than many of my moral intuitions, and my allegiance to fact and verification takes priority over any political party.  Therefore, when, on the early morning of November 4th, I heard President Trump say that he was winning states that he was not winning, saying “a very sad group of people is trying to disenfranchise” electors, and then continue, on November 5th, saying that he wins if the “legal votes” are counted, I was simply astounded.  He said these things with no evidence before him.  He simply assumed.  He did not give any details as t